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Self-Portrait: Reimagined

Posted by
Pixadilly (Taos, NM, United States) on 27 June 2016 in People & Portrait and Portfolio.

Sanford, FL
On March 2, 2007 I went to downtown Sanford before dawn to make some photos. I was less than a month into this new hobby. I set up my tripod to photograph a building with interesting arches that was an abandoned car dealership. It was mostly dark. At one point with my head looking into the viewfinder, I was approached by a homeless man who asked what I was doing. When I told him he volunteered to be "a subject" for my photo for a small fee. I declined. Instead, I got a photo of myself, a mere shadow on the wall, projected by the street lights behind me. I have broken the pattern of "reimagined" photos only on Saturdays to post this today, my 70th birthday!